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Friday, February 10, 2017

Week 1

     If there is one thing I learned this week, I learned that there is an immense amount of research on the 3x3 magic square of squares. From ways of generating magic squares to results of computer-run searches to seemingly arbitrary limitations on what certain numbers in the magic square of squares can be. I'll explain a very small but very interesting portion of this research.
     In any magic square,
A\ B\ C\\D\ E\ F\\G\ H\ I
we know that the rows add up to the same number,
the columns add up to that same number
as well as the diagonals

     From this we can say that
\left(A+E+I\right) + \left(D+E+F\right) + \left(C+E+G\right)=\left(A+D+G\right) + \left(C+F+I\right)+S
By rearranging the equation we get
this means
that the magic sum is 3 times the center number

We also know that
\left(A+B+C\right) + \left(D+E+F\right) + \left(G+H+I\right)=\left(A+E+I\right) + \left(D+E+F\right) + \left(C+E+G\right)

By rearranging this we get
this means

By similar proofs we also know that

For a magic square of squares, each of these capital letters are perfect squares so let's say A=a^2, B=b^2...
This means that we need some value 2e^2=a^2+i^2=b^2+h^2=c^2+g^2=f^2+d^2

Can you think of any number that is a sum of squares 4 different ways? It seems very... elusive.

Luckily, we have a way of generating these:

\left(X^2+Y^2\right)\left(A^2+B^2\right)=\left(XB\pm YA\right)^2+\left(XA \mp YB\right)^2

By picking values for X, Y, A and B, we can generate two sum of squares. We can then plug in the various combinations of these into the left side and repeat the process. I'll let you try this out at the bottom of the page.

For now, here's my abstract:

Have you heard of a magic square? A magic square is an array of numbers in which the columns, rows and diagonals add up to the same number. Mathematicians have wondered if one could make a “3-by-3 magic square of squares,” a 3-by-3 magic square where the number in each box is the square of an integer. This senior project is conducted at ASU and focuses on constructing a 3-by-3 magic square of squares or proving that such a magic square cannot be constructed. These branches correspond with approaches to the problem. It might be possible to prove that a magic square exists by trying to generate one. Or, it might be possible to prove that a magic square of squares cannot exist by “modding out” entries to see what arrangements of entries are not possible.  This is certainly a very difficult problem; mathematicians have worked on this problem for quite a long time and still not solved it. However, bits of progress have been made over time and hopefully this project can solve the problem or add some more progress. In addition to the 3x3 Magic Square of Squares, this project spends time on similar easier problems. By solving this problem, we may use it in future number theory proofs.

pick some starting values for X,Y,A and B. Pick a value for n, the number of repetitions. This should give a number that can be expressed as a sum of squares about 2^{2^n} ways. I don't suggest going above n=3 because n=4 gives about 2^{2^4}=65536 ways.







  1. Wow, Vijay! Cool program! I would love to see some examples of these magic squares and how these properties are satisfied with the examples. It is very apparent that you did a lot of research on magic squares! How is your ASU class going?

    1. Hello Mrs. Bailey!
      If X=1,Y=2,A=2,B=2,n=1
      Let's plug these back in with 2=1^2+1^2
      For example X=1,Y=1,A=16,B=63,n=0
      We get 47^2+79^2=23^2+89^2=35^2+85^2=13^2+91^2=2\left( 65\right)^2
      We can then put these in a magic square
      13^2\ 23^2\ 47^2
      35^2\ 65^2\ 85^2
      79^2\ 89^2\ 91^2
      However, only the sums through the center are satisfied
      My class at ASU is going well.

  2. And kind of branching off that, what does a normal work day look like for you? What do you find yourself doing, what do you enjoy most, what do you hate?

    1. Hello Nicole! I mostly stay in the library and read research papers on the magic square of squares or try generating a magic square of squares. Sometimes I get stuck with the problem, but I usually try a different approach and get unstuck. On certain days, I attend Dr. Jones's class and get his advice on whatever progress I've made.

  3. Hi Vijay! I'm really glad you included a calculation section and fully explained your equations. In the situation in which you are able to construct the 3x3 magic square, what specific number theory proofs could it be applied to? I'm super excited to learn more about magic squares and see what your research leads to.

    1. Hello Carla! There is currently no specific proof I know of that could benefit from a magic square of squares being found. However, such a proof may appear in the future. Even if finding a magic square of squares doesn't help a proof, it would advance our understanding of number theory.

  4. Woah, Vijay! Thank you for including your thought process and as fully explained proof. It was very easy to follow and allowed me to understand the concept. I cannot wait to see what your findings lead you to!

    1. Hello Jackson! I can't wait to see what progress I will make as well. I hope that whatever progress I make by next week will be interesting enough to share. If that doesn't work out, I might just share some more of the interesting research from other papers.

  5. Hi Vijay. Having all your calculations written out with clear explanations made it easy for me to comprehend this complex math problem. It was very easy to understand, despite it being such a complex problem. I am very intrigued by the magic square and am looking forward to seeing more of your blogs in the future.

    1. Hello Jack! I'm glad to know that what I was trying to say came out clearly. When I usually try explaining something, it comes out as a bunch of disjointed rambling. Anyways, I hope my use of \text{\LaTeX} helped you understand my explanation.

  6. Hello Vijay.
    In my last comment, I said I didn't know anything about magic squares, but your proof and calculations really helped me learn what the magic square is. This week's post serves as a really good introduction to the complexity that is the magic square of squares. Reading your explanation of one really intrigued me, and I cannot wait for next week's post. Keep it up!

    1. Hello Gokul! It's good to know that my introduction wasn't too overcomplicated. There was so much more stuff that I wanted to talk about but I was scared of scaring people off. I'm sure that I'll get a chance to share all of this amazing math soon.

  7. Hi Vijay. This topic already seems so immense that I can understand how you got sucked in. Walking us through that 'simpler' section made what seemed vague super clear, and got me really excited for the potential of this research.

    1. Hello Marco! You're right that topic is crazy immense. like CRAZY^{CRAZY}. Consider this:

      In a magic square
      A\ B\ C
      D\ E\ F
      G\ H\ I

      2A=F+H, 2C=D+H, etc.
      This mean that not only does our central number have to be the sum of squares 4 ways, but also that each combination of squares from two of the ways must yield the squares from the other two ways.

      I guess this means I have much much more to talk about.

  8. Hi Vijay! The calculator was cool and the equations really helped me understand what you were saying. Can't wait to hear more about your research!

  9. Hello Anthony! I also thought that the calculator was cool (or rather the method of generating numbers that can be expressed as a sum of squares so many ways).

    Funny story: One summer, I created an excel spreadsheet to look for numbers that could be expressed as a sum of squares four ways. After about a week of work, the only number I found was 2210. If only I knew about this back then...

  10. Hi Vijay! This explanation was very helpful! Thank you for clearing up a lot of the questions I had regarding magic squares. Also, what are some of the computer-run searches and results that you mentioned at the beginning of your post?

  11. Hello Nathan! One example of a computer-run search was Duncan A. Buell's search for a magic hourglass. He found that a magic hourglass's central entry must be greater the 25*10^{24}.
    Here's a link to his paper:
