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Friday, February 24, 2017

Week 3

     Last week, I worked on finding ways to express the 3x3 magic square of squares and this week, I found many more ways. Let's pick up where we left off.

We were looking for
\left(n_Y+1\ \ \ \ +\ \ \ \ n_Y+2\ \ \ \ ...\ \ \ \ n_Z \right)=\left(n_X+1\ \ \ \ +\ \ \ \ n_X+2\ \ \ \ ...\ \ \ \ n_Y \right)

so I thought of this as 
\left(m\ \ \ \ +\ \ \ \ m+1\ \ \ \ ...\ \ \ \ n \right)=\left(n+1\ \ \ \ +\ \ \ \ n+2\ \ \ \ ...\ \ \ \ n+k \right)

We need to find m,n,k such that
\frac{\left( n+m \right) \left( n-m+1 \right) }{2}=\frac{\left( 2n+k+1 \right) \left( k \right) }{2}




Let w=n-m and x=n+m+1. Also note that 2n=w+x+1



Through the quadratic formula, we get
k=\frac{-w-x-2 \pm \sqrt{\left(x+x+2\right)^2 -4\left(-\left(w+1\right)\left(x+1\right)\right)}}{2}

Essentially we need the b^2-4ac term to be a perfect square, but first we'll consider b^2 and b^2+4ac
b^2+4ac=\left(w+x+2\right)^2 +4\left(-\left(w+1\right)\left(x+1\right)\right)=w^2-2wx+x^2=\left(x-w\right)^2

So b^2+4ac is a perfect square.
b^2 is also a perfect square.
This means that if b^2 -4ac is a perfect square, it is the last term in an arithmetic progression of squares which is what we were looking for in the first place.

This seems like all the ways of expressing a magic square I would find, so I decided to take a step back and try a different approach. Besides, I was getting really frustrated anyways
Image result for nichijou gifs popcorn

We need the 8 sums of the magic square to be equal.

If the following are true:

This continues for all 8 sums we need.

In squares where B+H=D+F=2E, we can say B<D<F<H without loss of generality

(By "without loss of generality," I mean a square with B+H=D+F=2E but not B<D<F<H can just be rotated or reflected so that B<D<F<H)

We can express the magic square of squares as 6 arithmetic sequences of squares:

Here's my best attempt to visually represent this

Each rectangle is an arithmetic progression of size 3 and each letter is an entry. Let's also give each progression a name.

Each rectangle can be related to another rectangle in a couple of ways

  1. First terms match
  2. Middle terms match
  3. Last terms match
  4. Last term of one matches first term of other
If we draw out these relationships, we get
Where the red line mean the first terms match, green lines mean the middle terms match, blue lines mean the last terms match. and white arrows go from an arithmetic progression whose last term matches the first term of the arithmetic progression it goes to.

An arithmetic progression r^2,s^2,t^2 can also be expressed as a Pythagorean triple X^2+Y^2=Z^2 through

For the white arrow this means that X_1+Y_1=Y_2-X_2
which we can find in Stifel and Ozanam sequence.

A Stifel sequence generates all primitive triples in the Plato family
1\frac13 , 2\frac25 , 3\frac37 ...
to get the triples, express them as an improper fraction
\frac43 , \frac{12}{5} , \frac{24}{7}...
and we get
3^2+4^2=5^2, 5^2+12^2=13^2, 7^2 + 24^2 = 25^2...

Also notice that 3+4=12-5, 5+12=24-7...

This means we would draw white arrows between arithmetic progressions of squares generated by consecutive terms in this progression.

A Ozanam sequence generates all primitve triples in the Pythagoras family
1\frac78 , 2\frac{11}{12} , 3\frac{15}{16}...
to get the triples, express them as an improper fraction
\frac{15}{8} , \frac{35}{12} , \frac{63}{16}...
and we get 8^2+15^2=17^2, 12^2+35^2=37^2, and 16^2+63^2=65^2

Again notice that 8+15=35-12, 12+35=63-16...

This means we would draw white arrows between arithmetic progressions of squares generated by consecutive terms in this progression.

The primitive triples in the Fermat family have Y-X=1 which would yield 1 as an entry in the magic square of squares. Morgenstern proved that 1 cannot be an entry in a magic square of squares, so we don't need to consider the Fermat family.

So we know to draw arrows between consecutive terms of the Stifel and Ozanam sequences, but should we draw any arrows between them?

We would need
the X+Y of the nth term of Stifel = Y-X of the mth term of Ozanam
let n=m+k
By the quadratic formula, we get
\frac{-2m-2 \pm \sqrt{4\left(m+1\right)^2+4\left(m^2-1\right)}}{2}
-m-1 \pm \sqrt{2\left(m\right)\left(m+1\right)}
So we need to prove that 2\left(m\right)\left(m+1\right) is a perfect square

By reversing Dickson's method, we can find values for m
If there are u,v,w such that w^2=2uv, then there is a Pythagorean triple can be made by

If we reverse this so that u=m and v=m+1, we are looking for a Pythagorean triple where y-x=1, or in other words, one from the Fermat family.

So Pythagorean triples from the Fermat family dictate where we can draw arrows from the Stifel sequence to the Ozanam sequence, but what about from the Ozanam sequence from the Stifel sequence?

We would need
Y-X of the nth term of Stifel = X+Y of the mth term of Ozanam
let n=m+k
By the quadratic formula,
k=\frac{-2m \pm \sqrt{4m^2+4\left(6m+m^2+4\right)}}{2}
k=-m \pm \sqrt{2\left( m+1\right)\left(m+2\right)}

We again use reverse Dickson's method to find that we must find a Pythagorean triple from the Fermat family.

If we visualize Stifel and Ozanam sequences then we get

Our work with arrows between the two sequence would mean that later on we would see multiple of something similar to

So far, I've only considered primitive triples, only considered the white arrow, and only considered Plato and Pythagoras families. So there's a lot to learn.

And that's where I'm currently at.

Here we have a calculator that will let you see the nth triple of the Plato, Pythagoras, or Fermat family. Just enter n>0 and select which family you want. For large values of n, the Fermat family triples get very large. So large in fact that the programming variables overflow. For n>20 it doesn't work properly and for n>402 it says "infinity^2 + infinity^2 = infinity^2." Just something I found funny.


  1. Hi Vijay! My mathematical powers pale in comparison to yours. I was just wondering, when you hit a dead end like you did at the beginning of this post, how do you figure out where to go from there? Do you talk with your professor? Think about it for a while? Have another method waiting on the sidelines? I am curious, as always, about the process.

    1. Hello Nicole! If I hit a dead end, I usually try to start over and exploit different properties of the magic square of squares. However, in this case, I actually noticed that B,D,F,H could be used to calculate the rest of the square before I hit a dead end. I only came back to this after I was stuck though.

  2. Hi Vijay! Once again, I enjoyed reading your blog as your thought process and problem solving skills are always impressive. Has any other mathematician made similar advances on the problem as yours, or are these completely new ideas? I cannot wait to see what you have next!

    1. Hello Jackson! According to all the research I have done, nobody has done anything similar to this. It is still possible that someone has done something similar to this and I just haven't found it yet. However, I doubt that this is the case.

  3. Hi Vijay! As always, I enjoy the inclusion of the calculator at the end of every post. It is a very creative and unique program. It is very smart of you to approach this problem using already proven theorems. What other theorems do you plan on exploring in this project? Ultimately, do you plan to formulate your own theorem? I look forward to reading next week's post.

    1. Hello Gokul! I will have to do some work with negative Pell equations, specifically X^2-2Y^2=-1, since the Fermat family of triples can be generated by it. I've already used negative Pell equations to run this calculator for generating the Fermat family, but there's still much more to learn. And hopefully I will be able to share that with everybody.

  4. Hi Vijay! You have amazing analysis of these problems and show many of the ways to solve them. I also enjoy the calculator section.

    Sincerely, Bhavik Rajaboina

    1. Hello Bhavik! I haven't exactly solved any of these problems yet. Hopefully, I will be able to find a representation of my problem that I can solve. And I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed generating primitive pythagorean triples.

  5. Hi Vijay! As always I enjoyed the clarity and being able to visualize your thought process and work. Your problem solving skills in mathematics are very impressive. I'm looking forward to seeing next week's blog.

    1. Hello Jack! I'm happy that the pictures weren't confusing. I was hoping to use LaTeX to draw the diagram, but it seemed too complicated. I hope that using MS Paint didn't detract from the quality of my post in any way

  6. Hey Vijay! As always, I really enjoyed the depth in which your post explores the subject! Are these theorems mostly already formulated by others or are they your own? Looking forward to next week's post!

    1. Hello Abhinav! I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to, but I would say that my work on this problem has been mostly assembling old methods together in new ways. By doing this I may discover what is and isn't possible in a magic square of squares. If I'm really lucky, then I might a 3x3 magic square of square isn't possible.

  7. Hi Vijay! Your research continues to impress me. I was just wondering how independent your work is? It seems like extremely complex math, so how much collaboration and help is involved?

    1. Hello Carla! Dr. Jones and Mrs. Bailey have both been very helpful in guiding me on how to approach this problem. So far, that is most of the help I received. However, if I run into something that I don't understand, then I will ask for help.

  8. Hi Vijay! I think this was a great post and it helped me understand your research better by going in depth. Can you describe more about your research process? I'm looking forward to next week, and the calculators are great.

    1. Hello Anthony! The way I'm currently researching this problem is by trying to represent my Magic Square of Square problem as one I can more easily solve (or at least one that hasn't been explored thoroughly). This actually reminds me of a math joke:

      One day a mathematician decides that he is sick of math and wants to be a fireman. So, the mathematician walks down to the fire department and announces that he wants to become a fireman.
      The fire chief says, "Well, you look like a good guy. I'd be glad to hire you, but first I have to give you a little test."
      The firechief takes the mathematcian to the alley behind the fire department which contains a dumpster, a spicket, and a hose. The chief then says, "OK, you're walking in the alley and you see the dumpster here is on fire. What do you do?" The mathematician replies, "Well, I hook up the hose to the spicket, turn the water on, and put out the fire." The chief says, "That's great... perfect. Now I have to ask you just one more question. What do you do if you're walking down the alley and you see the dumpster is not on fire?" The mathematician puzzles over the question for awhile and the finally says, "I light the dumpster on fire." The chief yells, "What? That's horrible! Why would you light the dumpster on fire?" The mathematician replies, "Well, that way I reduce the problem to one I've already solved."

      So I have been searching for representations of my problem. I think I might be able to solve the most recent representation (hopefully without any dumpster fires).

  9. Wow, Vijay! This was an awesome post with a lot of math in it! In your opinion, where do you think your research is leading you as of now? What kinds of questions do you think you might be able to solve by the conclusion of the project?

  10. Hello Nathan! I think my research will focus more finding where the four relations hold. I'm sure that by the end of the project, I can narrow down the search for 3x3 the magic squares of squares at least. Hopefully, I will have solved the problem by the end of the project.
