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Friday, March 31, 2017

Week 8

This week, instead of looking at specific families of Pythagorean triples, I looked at all Pythagorean triples. I'll explain how I got there by starting from the beginning.

So I reviewed this thing:

my visual representation of the 6 arithmetic progressions of squares I needed to find to construct a 3x3 Magic Square of Squares. Maybe I could start out by finding a smaller piece like this:

This would entail finding 3 Pythagorean triples and using our method of converting Pythagorean triples into arithmetic progressions of squares.

If we have a Pythagorean triple \left(a,b,c\right), then our arithmetic progression is \left(b-a\right)^2,a^2+b^2,\left(a+b\right)^2. Note that the difference between the first and last term is 4ab. If we give these triples names, then we can start writing equations.

We know that 4ab=4mn+4xy \Rightarrow ab=mn+xy

We also know that m+n=y-x \Rightarrow y=m+n+x

By substituting, this gives us ab=mn + mx + nx + x^2=\left(m+x\right)\left(n+x\right)

We also know that b-a=n-m \Rightarrow n=b-a+m

By again substituting, we get ab=\left(m+x\right)\left(b-a+m+x\right)

If we let k=m+x, we get ab=k\left(b-a+k\right)

The only possible value for k is a, so we see that m+x=k=a

If we instead rearrange b-a=n-m as m=n+a-b, substitute, and let l=n+x, we get
ab=\left(l+a-b\right)l, giving us that n+x=l=b

We already knew that that b-a=n-m (since the Fermat family had b-a=1, this is sort of a more general version), but we learned that b-n=a-m=x

If I look at all Pythagorean triples, I might be able to divide them up into classes based on their b-a value. So how does one look at all Pythagorean triples?

Well, if we pick two positive integers r and s where r>s, then we can generate a Pythagorean triple \left(r^2-s^2,2rs,r^2+s^2\right). If we put r and s on the axes of an Excel chart, and write out the legs of each triangle, we get

Note that the grayed-out boxes contain non-primitive triples and that the upper right corner is empty because r>s and that this goes only r<15

Since we want to divide these up into classes based on b-a, let's display that instead

Now, let's highlight Fermat family triples

If we look at the \left(r,s\right) values for Fermat family triples we get

By now you may have noticed some patterns


And more importantly, this pattern holds for other numbers (although there seem to be 2 \left(r,s\right) starting points needed)

So we have divided up Pythagorean triples into different classes. Using this will make it much easier to find b-n=a-m=x

This week's calculator will be up shortly


  1. Wow Vijay! The amount of work you put into each post impresses me each week. Pictures, spreadsheets, and equations. I love seeing how all the parts from your project (in this case: Pythagorean triples and Fermat family triples) come together at random points throughout the process.

    1. Hello Nicole! In mathematics, things on opposite sides of the world seem randomly connected. This usually means that there is some hidden connection between the two things that can be found.

  2. Hi Vijay,

    Thank you for including the tables and a detailed explanation of arithmetic equations. Best of Luck!

    Sincerely, Bhavik Rajaboina

    1. Hello Bhavik! I'm glad to know that the tables helped your understanding of my research. I always felt I could understand information better when I could visualize.

  3. Hi Vijay. As always, I enjoyed the complete and detailed explanations of the equations. Good luck and I'm looking forward to next week's blog. Thanks.

    1. Hello Jack! I'm happy that the explanation of the equations helped. Writing down equations without explaining them actually used to be a problem I had.

  4. Hello Vijay!
    It's clear that you have made a lot of progress in this problem. It's great to see that the old facts of your project helped you make the vast progress of this week. That graph of all the plotted fermat numbers was very compelling. Is there any different approach to solving the b-n=a-m=x equation?
    I look forward to seeing the calculator and to next week's post!

    1. Hello Gokul! There is actually a more geometric approach to solving this equation. I talk about this more in next week's post.

  5. Hello Vijay! I enjoyed your clear and concise explanations very much! I also enjoy seeing you make amazing progress each week! Please keep me updated as I would love to see what this culminates into. Good Luck!

    1. Hello Jackson! I would say that I make progress each week, but in relation to the size of this problem, it seems so slow. Either way, I will eventually end up at the goal.

  6. Hi Vijay! I always appreciate the visual aids you include in your posts. Can't wait for the rest of your research.

    1. Hello Carla! The visual aids help not only my readers, but also me. In fact, it was because of this excel spreadsheet that I noticed this pattern.
